Wednesday, May 26, 2021


My New Reality

It’s May of 2021 and the date on my one and only blog is February 2017.  I don’t know what that says about my ability to follow through but thanks to the loyal friendship of Nancy Moser I am ready to move forward and attempt to blog on a consistent basis.  I’m really writing more for me than you.  I know that sounds selfish but let me explain.

I have spent most of my adult life in Christian Publishing as a background person.  I have enjoyed every moment of the journey and have been blessed to work with amazing people, called by God to communicate His Word.  Sometimes my role has been very minor and on rare occasions I’ve invested all my creative energy in a major way.

On February 10, 2019 my world was turned upside down.  I stood beside the hospital bed of my husband of 53 years as we were told he had a mass in his abdomen.  Extensive testing concluded that he had Peripheral T Cell Lymphoma.   We moved rapidly into a course of treatment that proved to be agonizing for him and we were truly sustained by God’s power and the love and prayers of family and friends.  My husband was the most courageous person I know and through 19 months of chemotherapy he never complained.  We held tightly to the hope of divine healing for him and daily expressed our gratitude to God for one more day of life.  On September 17, 2020 surrounded by his family, Steve graduated to his heavenly reward.  My journey of grief was just beginning.  I read numerous books and spoke with other widows. I had walked along side Vonette Bright when her husband Bill graduated to heaven and watched the grace and courage she displayed as she drew strength from her deep faith and assurance of Bill’s joy of being in the presence of the Lord.  I was relieved that Steve was no longer in pain and I knew he was in heaven, but the natural woman and spiritual woman had to reconcile how to live in victory in my new reality.  I confess, some days are better than others.  God’s Word has been more precious to me than ever before and sometimes I find myself sitting with my Bible open on my lap, both hands on the pages just praying to somehow absorb the truth into my innermost being.  The Living Word of God has proven to be my greatest source of strength.  We don’t grieve as those who have no hope. (1 Thes 4:13) Grief is real and unique to each individual.  Friends encouraged me to find a new ‘normal’, and I struggled with the concept of ‘normal.’  At the age of 74 and 53 years of marriage my life would never be ‘normal’ again.  I decided to seek God for his guidance in my new ‘reality.’  The faithfulness of God never changes and I awake each morning grasping for His presence and leading.

 I have lots of thoughts I want to share with you so I will definitely not wait 4 years to write again. As always, my thoughts will be in ‘bits'...that's just me.

 I look forward to sharing the realities of life with you.  I pray my words may encourage you to cling a little more closely to our wonderful Savior.


Just FYI – my life verse is Galatians 2:20

My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. NLT