Thursday, August 19, 2021


Do You Really Know?

 Have you ever said to someone at a time of crisis “I know exactly how you feel?”  What a foolish statement, and yes, I have said it many times.  But we cannot know exactly how anyone else feels because we are each so wonderfully and mysteriously designed and our environmental circumstances are so different that we can never be “exactly the same.”

 It has taken me many years to understand that I can empathize with a friend without knowing ‘exactly’ how they feel.  In recent years I have had the joy of getting to know two wonderful women who have become very dear friends.  The depth of our friendship is demonstrated in various forms from buddies, allies, confidents, encouragers and yes, chastisers.  They challenge me when I’m wrong and encourage me when I’m down.

I credit the strength of our friendship to our spiritual bond.  I can’t expect them to know “exactly how I feel;"  however, they know the One who does, Jesus, and they talk to Him on my behalf.

 Jesus wants to be our friend; but we must pursue Him.  Developing a trusting friendship takes time, and the best time you will ever spend is your time in God’s Word.  The more you know about God and His Son, the greater friendship you will feel toward Jesus.  Jesus not only knows exactly how we feel, His love can help us through any experience.  Start now and cultivate the greatest friendship of your lifetime.

 The following Hymn was written in 1898 – some of you may be able to sing it.

o   Refrain:
Friendship with Jesus!
Fellowship divine!
Oh, what blessed, sweet communion!
Jesus is a Friend of mine.

2.   A Friend when other friendships cease,
A Friend when others fail,
A Friend who gives me joy and peace,
A Friend when foes assail!

3.   A Friend when sickness lays me low,
A Friend when death draws near,
A Friend as through the vale I go,
A Friend to help and cheer!

4.   A Friend when life’s short race is o’er
A Friend when earth is past,
A Friend to meet on Heaven’s shore,
A Friend when home at last!


John 15:15

I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.


Proverbs 18:24

There are "friends" who destroy each other, But a real friend sticks closer than a brother.  NLT

Monday, August 9, 2021


                                       Lessons I Learned in the Orchard


It is a very warm August day and I’m sitting nestled in an orchard in Washington State.  The beauty and symmetry of the orchard would be awe inspiring without the fruit, but the abundance of the bright red cherries and the vivid orange apricots make all my efforts at seasonal decorations pale.

I learned a lesson from God’s creation that has motivated me to put more energy into sharing my faith.  Walking down a row of cherry trees I observed that one tree had a different variety of cherries.  I inquired of the owner and he told me that was a pollinator tree.  The different variety of cherry tree pollinated the other variety causing it to produce more fruit. 

Here’s my takeaway from my relaxing time in the orchard.  A lot of work goes in to having a good crop of fruit.  I have watched the workers carefully control the amount of water and thin the branches to allow the sun to ripen the fruit at just the right time.  This orchard is 80 years old and the trees are mature and sturdy continuing to produce an amazing crop.

I too am mature (and sturdy).  I want to be a pollinator for Jesus.  Girls, our faith can empower us to pollinate with the gospel everyone we meet without a spoken word.  Our world today is so crazy and people are stressed and many are fearfilled.   Let’s make every effort to live in a way that demonstrates the Love of Jesus in the most basic of life’s activities.

There are so many scriptural passages referring to fruit.  I do want my actions to reflect Christ in a way that produces fruit.  There is no greater joy than to share my faith with someone and have them pray to receive Christ into their life. Are you living in a way that would draw someone to inquire about your life and why you are so peaceful?


Matthew 7:17-20

17 A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. 18 A good tree can't produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can't produce good fruit. 19 So every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire. 20 Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.  NLT


Hebrews 13:15-16

15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. 16 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. NKJV